Thursday, October 25, 2018

Dentist in Ross Township PA

Image title provides the very best dental services in Ross Township, PA with excellent dental services include teeth cleaning, color filling, whitening, sealants, crowns, bridges, veneers, implants, dentures, etc.

Sleep Apnea

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Sleep apnea is a disorder which interrupts the breathing process during sleep.  It is a serious, life-threatening disorder requiring immediate remediation. Diagnoses of sleep apnea falls into three categories: obstructive, central, and mixed.

Diagnosing sleep apnea

Many of the symptoms are similar within the categories of sleep apnea.  Your dentist and doctor can help you obtain a diagnosis based on your signs and symptoms.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

OSA occurs when any of your soft tissues block your airway.  Typically, the tongue or uvula falls to the back of your throat during sleep.  

Cosmetic Dentistry

Image titleStart your journey toward a more perfect smile today; make a great first impression with an outstanding smile.  At DeBonis Family Dentistry, our extensive cosmetic dentistry experience and knowledge provides patients with top of the line solutions for a perfect smile.  We transform smiles every day, allowing our patients to improve their confidence.

Improved Mood

Studies have shown that simply smiling puts you and those around you at ease.  A good smile eliminates the tension in the room and provides a feeling of welcome and acceptance.  This, in turn, improves your mood as well as others’. Scientific American reported findings of an increase in positive moods and a decrease in pain all from just smiling.  Their research sums up how everyone benefits when you share your smile.

Friendly Environment

According to Psychology Today, a smile is contagious and has the ability to influence the feelings of those around you.  Likewise, we tend to smile more when we are proud of our teeth. Smiles create happier environments and situations, helping people feel welcome.  Cosmetic dentistry rebuilds smiles using state of the art industry technology.

DeBonis Family Dentistry

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Dentist in Ross Township PA